Student Attendance

The NSW Education Act (1990) and the Catholic Schools Office Lismore require Parents/Carers to ensure that children of compulsory age attend school on each day that the school is open for instruction. If children are absent from school, Parents/Carers are required to provide the school with an acceptable explanation, in writing, within seven days of the absence. 

Medical certificates are also required to explain periods of illness.  

The law requires us to inform parents of concerns around attendance and keep records of discussions regarding attendance.  This may come in the form of an email or a phone call from Year Coordinators or, a letter from myself or the Principal. If attendance is particularly poor, we may require a meeting to discuss the attendance situation and plan improvement. 

All New South Wales students must complete Year 10. After Year 10 and until they turn 17 years of age students must be in a school or registered for home schooling, or full-time in

  • further education and training (e.g. TAFE, traineeship, apprenticeship);

  • full-time, paid employment of an average 25 hours per week; or

  • a combination of both of the above.

For more information please read the following link


Attendance concern means the following: 

  1. Less than 95% attendance or;  

  2. 3 consecutive days of unapproved leave; or

  3. Any 5 days of unapproved leave or any other pattern observed (such as regular Mondays and Fridays away or habitual partial non-attendance).

What can you do to help with your childs attendance?  

Communicate!!! As a parent, good communication is vital to help monitor attendance and provide for the best educational outcome for your child.  If your child is sick or absent for any reason, we want to know.  If your child is bullied or worried about something and avoiding school, we want to know.  If you need help getting your child to school, we want to help!!!  Building positive relationships between parents and our school will transfer to a better educational experience for your child.

Alex Montford
Leader of Pastoral Care