Learning and Teaching

Our curriculum is based on the belief that each student is called by God to develop their qualities and talents to the fullest extent. Therefore, we aim to provide a curriculum which is challenging and relevant with choice and opportunity for success for all students. At McAuley Catholic College students have the opportunity to study curriculum, as developed by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority), which leads to the award of the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) and the Higher School Certificate. The RoSA is awarded to secondary school students who have met the requirements at the end of Year 10, while the Higher School Certificate is awarded to students who satisfy the requirements after completing two years of study in Years 11 and 12. There are also provisions

for students to accelerate their studies for the HSC, as well as the Board’s Pathways provisions allowing students to take a longer completion period. The HSC requires students to undertake public examinations as well as other forms of assessment.
We recognise that ‘disciplinary’ or subject knowledge should be taught in ways that also develop skills and concepts that help students learn how to think critically and learn for themselves, so they can use the knowledge in new situations and in an environment where there is rapidly changing information, technologies, jobs and social conditions.