Attendance Policy Reminder

McAuley Catholic College would like to remind parents of the attendance requirements and the recording of students' absences or arriving late to school. McAuley Catholic College is required by the Education Act 1990 (s 24) to maintain an attendance register (roll). The attendance roll is managed by our student system, Compass.

Students Arriving Late to School

While we understand that students may occasionally be late, it's important to note that late arrivals without an explanation from a parent/guardian (written or verbal communication to the College) will now trigger an automated 'absentee' notification to appear on your Compass Dashboard. This will prompt parents to provide an explanation note via Compass for their child's late arrival.

Student Absences

Again, students are sometimes away from school for a variety of reasons. However, absent students will again trigger an absentee notification as an SMS message.  Parents will be required to acknowledge the absence through the Compass portal. This is important for the school to manage our attendance expectations and records management.

Compass Portal

Parents and carers must submit the attendance note via Compass within seven days. After this period, if the note has not been submitted, contact with the College office will need to be made via the College email. Please note that this is the only acceptable contact method after the seven-day period.

Please see the video below with an easy step-by-step guide of how to enter an attendance note via Compass or click here to read to the Compass Support Guide.