Mission and Wellbeing (AP)

Attendance - Every Moment Matters

This week, emails were sent to parents and carers whose children have an attendance rate below 90%. Please note that full-day absences, frequent late arrivals, and/or early departures all contribute to a student’s overall attendance profile. Catholic Schools Guidelines state that a student’s attendance should be above 90%.

There can be a variety of reasons why children’s attendance can be a concern, and we recognise their attendance profile may have been influenced by leave taken due to medical reasons, travel or family commitments; however, we feel it is important to keep you informed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the school and speak with your child’s Year Coordinator if we can support you and/or your child with any matters.

Positive Awards Scheme

The Positive Awards Scheme is designed to reward consistent positive student behaviour in and out of the classroom, participation in and contributions to College programs and involvement in community service programs.


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Silver or Bronze Awards at the assembly this week:


Timothy Van Der Vlist

Aidan Knox

Maya Masters

Sebastian Willis

Scott Warwick

Madora Barton


Lilly Sullivan

Many students have enough Merit certificates to apply for a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. Please encourage your child to follow the process to be rewarded for their efforts.

School Photos

Catch-up and Year Group Photos will be held on Tuesday, 30th April (Week 1, Term 2). All students who were absent last week will have the opportunity to have their individual photos taken and be part of their Year group photo. 

A reminder that all students must be in Full School uniform, either the new uniform or the old as per guidelines sent home earlier this year.

  • Years 7 and new students to the College are required to wear the new uniform.
  • For students in years 8, 9, 10 & 12 may wear the old uniform.
  • Students in year 11 are to wear the new shirts.

As this is a transition year, we know students will be in a mix of uniforms. No student is to wear their sports uniform for College photos.

Please ensure that students are wearing appropriate uniform items. We ask for your support to ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the College photos. Other reminders include:

  • Polished black leather lace-up shoes
  • Hair must be neat and tidy. Hair below the collar must be tied up
  • Boys to be clean-shaven
  • Jewellery must be limited as per uniform guidelines set out in the student diary.

 Winter Uniforms

A reminder that as the weather cools next term, students may choose to wear the following winter uniform items: 

  • College Long Charcoal Grey Pants with College crest
  • Maroon jumper with College crest and/or
  • Softshell maroon jacket with College crest
  • Maroon trackpants with MCC logo

The uniform trading hours for the school holidays are as follows:

  • April 23rd - 8.15am - 9.30am
  • April 27th - 9am - 11am
  • Extra opening time next term, Saturday 4th May - 9am - 11am.

Online ordering information is on the infographic below:


Catholic Education Week

This week, the College celebrated Catholic Education Week with a range of activities. The theme this year was ‘Innovation and Faith’. Catholic Education Week is an important time of the year when we celebrate the role played by Catholic Schools, especially our college in enabling students to shine their light of faith and innovation in both word and actions. It is a time when we acknowledge and give thanks for the exceptional teaching and learning that takes place in our school each day, and all of those people who make Catholic Education possible.

The theme was very fitting as our Year 8 students have been innovative in developing ideas to raise money for Project Compassion this term. Through their efforts, they have contributed to raising money for vulnerable people and highlighting the importance of ensuring human dignity for all, especially the poor. 

The total figure raised for Project Compassion this year was $3756, with Year 8 RE initiatives contributing  $1285. Ongoing fundraising, including the Thursday Breakfast, Fish Fry and Raffles, raised $857, and homerooms collectively contributed $1214.85. This was a great effort from the whole school.


Other activities for Catholic Education Week included a mass celebrated by Fr Emmanuel with Year 7.4, 7.5, 9.1 and 10.1 Religious Education classes. One of the readings used from St Paul to the Romans states, “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another”. This highlights the importance of community being one with God, and the Church is like a body, Christ’s body. As a Catholic School community, each of us has a part to play using the specific gifts God has given us. Fr Emmanuel talked to the students about the greatest gift being given, is the gift of love, the gift to care and look after one another. Each of us is being called to live out the mission of Jesus Christ by bringing Jesus’ message to the world through our own creativity and Innovation.


Kathy Warby
Assistant Principal - Mission and Wellbeing