Term 1 - Weeks 1 - 10th February 2025
From the Principal
College Mission and Vision
College Leadership Team 2025
Mission Team
Curriculum Team
Pastoral Team (including Homeroom Teachers)
All Staff
2025 Student Leadership Team
Mission and Wellbeing (AP)
Learning & Teaching (AP)
Year 7 First day
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Sporting News
LEAD & Transitus
Uniform Information
College Handbook - 2025
Lesson Times
Dates to Note for February 2025
Traffic Management and Road Safety
2025 New Bus Routes & School Travel Passes
Parish News
Dear Parents and Carers, Staff and Students,
Welcome to the 2025 school year! It is with great pleasure that I welcome all our students, staff and families to McAuley Catholic College, especially our 128 Year 7’s and our new staff. We have had a very positive start to the year, with high enrolments in most year groups.
On Tuesday, Years 7, 11 & 12 started their school year, and it was an exciting start with Year 7 students and their parents able to gather for a meet and greet opportunity in the courtyard and at Catherine’s Cafe. In our brief Welcome Assembly, we presented each year 7 student with a college badge, and we asked them to wear it with pride. Our Year 11 students have transitioned into senior school with new white shirts, a new suite of subjects and have started straight into their studies. We also welcomed back our Year 12 students, who should be ready to continue with their HSC work. We have included some photos from Day 1 in this newsletter.
Years 8, 9 & 10 returned to school on Wednesday and there was an excited buzz around the school, with perhaps a little bit of nervousness evident at times. We started the day with our first whole school assembly for the year in the hall which was very full with our largest enrolment of the school, reaching over 600 for the first time. At the Assembly, I welcomed everyone to McAuley and outlined my expectations of all students.
To demonstrate our growth, we have had two demountable or modular classrooms moved to the site, which are located next to the science block. These classrooms have been refurbished to create a great learning space.
The overall Mission of the College continues to be the development of the whole person through spiritual, academic, cultural, physical and wellbeing experiences. This year we continue to focus on High Expectations as well as on building strong relationships, improving student engagement and achieving student academic and personal growth through the continued implementation of the Berry Street Education Model and The Learning Collaborative based on Dr Lyn Sharratt. We have been building a strong wellbeing - pastoral care base to ensure students are ready to engage in learning. Everything we do is under the guidance of Jesus Christ, who is our model, as demonstrated by the Sisters of Mercy and Marist Brothers, whose ethos and charisms form our traditions and history.
We welcome the following staff to McAuley in 2025:
Teachers: Georgia Instrell - Science; Zoe Taylor - Maths & Sport ;
Teacher Assistants: Lacey Hammond, Maddy Cameron;
College Youth Minister: Jacob Somers
Administration: Stephanie Haines
On behalf of all members of our College community, I warmly welcome each of these staff members to McAuley in their respective roles and know that they will each make a valued contribution to our College during their time with us. We will introduce each of these people in more detail over the subsequent editions of the newsletter.
We welcome back:
- Tom Howard, Jessica Stainlay, Jim Hand who are returning from leave.
Changes to staffing positions: Some of our staff have changed roles:
Ashley Esad - Leader of Administration; Jess Stainlay - Leader of Science; Caroline Spence - Yr 7 Coordinator; Brendan Smith - full-time Science & Maths; Nelson Burgess - full-time Maths & PE; Chelsea Brown - TAS & RE teacher; Brayden Jamieson - Office Administration; Eliza Corcoran - Leader of Sport; Maria Rouse - Careers.
Staff currently on leave:
Rod Paton - terms 1 & 2; Lew Molloy - terms 1 & 2; Tegen Filewood - all year
Sad News
Sadly, we started the year with the news that Sandra Bartholomew’s husband, Grant, passed away on Tuesday 4th, February. Grant’s funeral will be held at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Grafton, on Thursday, 13th February, at 11am. Please keep Grant, Sandra and their family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.
The introduction of our new uniform is a 2-year transition process - this is our second year of the transition, so by the start of 2026, all students will be in the new uniform. All our new students are to be wearing the new school uniform. Everyone is welcome to wear the new uniform.
- There have not been any issues with the supply of the new uniforms, so all students are to be in the correct uniform.
- PE uniform is worn on Thursday and for junior students (7-10) when they have PE practical lessons (indicated on their timetable)
- Each Wednesday, all students are to wear their formal uniform
- Wearing the uniform correctly and with pride is an important part of who we are & connects directly to our expectations of respect and responsibility, safety and effort.
- The uniform needs to be worn correctly each day
Ten per cent of all uniform sales through P&C uniforms (onsite and online) is returned to the College. We are currently using these funds to purchase new team uniforms. Last year, we were able to acquire new sets of soccer (football) uniforms.
Year 12 2024 HSC results
Congratulations to our Year 12 students who achieved their HSC at the end of the 2024 school year. We are proud of the achievements of each and every one of our students. There were some outstanding performances, and we congratulate Brooklyn Roach, who achieved our highest ATAR of 94 and will be acknowledged as Dux at our special assembly on Thursday, 13 February. Also, at the Assembly, we will acknowledge Eva Patricks, who achieved an ATAR of over 90 and all our students who achieved a band 6 in one or more subjects.
Important Beginning of the Year Information in this Newsletter
The majority of this Newsletter provides parents & carers with introductory information on staff (Year Coordinators, House Leaders and Homeroom teachers), communication, requirements and procedures. Hopefully, this helps you navigate the start of the year smoothly.
Kind regards,
Kate Thomson
“We should be shining lamps, giving light to all around us.”
Catherine McAuley
“Enabling students to achieve the fullness of life” (John 10:10)
McAuley Catholic College is a Christ-centred, student-focused, inclusive learning community founded on the Mercy and Marist traditions. We strive to develop the whole person through spiritual, academic, cultural, physical and wellbeing experiences, enabling every student to achieve the fullness of life.
To inspire our students to be confident, curious and compassionate life long learners who will bring about a better tomorrow through the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, and the embodiment of the Mercy values.
“High Expectations”
From 2023 to 2025, McAuley Catholic College in collaboration with our Parish, families and the broader school community, will strive to provide an environment that promotes and celebrates high standards across all areas of College life. We will do this through a culture of continuous improvement and growth, and belief that all learners can be successful.
The College Leadership Team is responsible for the smooth operation of the school and oversees its spiritual, academic, pastoral and co-curricular programs.
- Ms Kate Thomson - Principal
- Mrs Dianne McGowan - Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
- Mrs Kathy Warby - Assistant Principal – Mission and Wellbeing
- Mrs Tiffany Lee - Leader of Curriculum
- Mrs Margaret Bertalli - Leader of Pedagogy
- Mr Alex Montford - Leader of Pastoral Care
- Mrs Caroline Doyle - Leader of Catechesis
- Mr Nicholas Littlewood - Business Manager:
- Mrs Ashley Esad - Leader of Teacher Administration
The Curriculum and all related matters are managed by the Curriculum team led by the Curriculum Coordinator. Key people on this team are listed below. Should you have concerns about your child’s progress in a particular subject area, you should contact either your child’s specific subject teacher or the Leader of Learning of that subject area.
Each year, we outline the roles within the pastoral structure and the communication process that needs to be followed when making contact with the college.
- Homeroom teachers are a very important part of the pastoral structure. The Homeroom Teacher is the teacher primarily responsible for the welfare of each student in his/her Homeroom.
- The Year Coordinator will be responsible for the welfare of the students in their year group. The six Year Coordinators form a pastoral team and will liaise with parents, Homeroom teachers, House Leaders, Leaders of Learning, Classroom teachers and the College Leadership Team.
- The House Leader is the Coordinator of the entire House. They are responsible for building the House Spirit and House system. They work with their House Team which is comprised of the seven Homeroom teachers and other teachers allocated to the House.
The aim of the House System is to promote a strong sense of community as well as opportunities for connectedness which will, in turn, promote resilience and a sense of achievement for all our students. The House System at McAuley Catholic College is the “umbrella” under which all activities - religious, academic, pastoral, cultural, community, social, and sporting - take place.
Student Leadership Team 2025
College Captains - Beau Thompson and Jasmine Chellew
College Vice-Captains - Zethan Nichols and Alicia Boehme
Faith and Action Leaders - Grace Stackman
House Captains:
o Champagnat House Captains- Charlee Thompson and Izayah Walker
o McCarthy House Captains- Eliza Hughes and Isaac Bibby
o Mercy House Captains- Abby Goodall and Kyron Nipperess
o Tracey House Captains- Kayla Ellis and Bailee Hextall
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Leader
Tracey Cassidy and Logan Cone
Year 11 Leaders:
Hudson Batinovic & Xavier Cassidy-Thomason
Raimi Mortimer & Annabelle Hourigan
Year 10 Leaders:
William Hartley & Cruz Sewell
Paisley Padayachee & Jasmine Iredale
I would like to warmly welcome back all our returning students and welcome our Year 7 and new students and their families. The following information is provided to support families in ensuring a smooth transition for their children.
Our Commencement Mass will be held on Wednesday 19th February, at 10.15 am in the College Hall. All parents and families are welcome to join us on this special occasion to mark the beginning of the year.
Attached is a flyer that outlines some information to help our families feel at home in our Catholic community.
Students and staff expect to work in a safe, secure and supportive environment. The expectations shown below ensure all learning spaces are settled and productive. These expectations work in conjunction with our Mercy values of Respect, Compassion, Justice, Excellence and Hospitality. The expectations are displayed in all classrooms and are clearly stated in the Student Planner.
All students in Year 7 and 8 and any new students to the College are issued with a Planner at the start of the year. The Planner is an important learning item to be taken to every class daily. Students must record all homework, assessments, reminders etc in their planners. Students in Year 9 - 12 are to organise their own planner either in hard copy or online. Some planners are available and can be purchased from the front office for $13.50
Students do get sick while at school. We have a sick bay where students can be attended to and monitored. The Office staff regularly contact parents when a child is sick. Any student who is feeling unwell must report to sick bay.
As per our Mobile Phone Policy, students should not use their phones to contact parents during school hours. The students must go to the office where the office staff can contact home. It is difficult when parents arrive at the college office to collect their child, and the office staff are unaware that the student is ill and then have to find the student somewhere in the school. This can be very disruptive for the Office staff. It would be appreciated if our policy were followed.
Students who choose to bring their mobile phones, smart devices, and other related technology devices to school must adhere to the following procedures. These procedures include all times students are under the supervision of MCC staff (e.g., excursions, camps, travelling to and from school events). The principal's decision on all phones, smart devices, and related technology will be final. The Principal reserves the right to allow an individual student to use their device for medical monitoring or other such purposes.
Mobile phones are valuable items, and their owners are responsible for them. The College will not accept responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage of a phone.
- Phones must be turned off upon arrival at school in the morning and may be switched on again after classes at 3.10pm.
- Students are welcome to leave their phone in the office each day or place on the teacher desk / phone tub each lesson
- If it is necessary for parents or carers to make contact during school hours this must be done in the usual manner through the School Office.
- Students must not lend their phones to other students during school hours.
- Students can only use their phone with the permission of a teacher, for example when used for educational purposes during a lesson, using eftpos at the canteen and office.
- After 3.10pm, while being supervised on school grounds, students may use their phone to listen to music, check messages and make calls.
- Students must adhere to our Social Media policy. Accessing social media (such as but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc) text messaging, phone calls, Facetime or similar, accessing apps, streaming movies, listening to music etc and are not allowed.
- Students are not to take photos or videos at any time at the college or at any time in school uniform.
- Students found using phones or other related technology devices during school time without permission will incur the following consequences:
1st Offence: - The teacher will confiscate the phone and place it in the office.
- The teacher is to record the incident on Compass as a Minor Behaviour (Detention Outcome)
- Students may collect the phone at the end of the day.
2nd Offence - The teacher will confiscate the phone and place it in the office.
- The teacher is to record the incident on Compass as a Minor Behaviour (Detention Outcome)
- The Year Coordinator or Pastoral Care Coordinator will contact the parents
- Students may collect the phone at the end of the day.
- Student is placed on Stage 1
3rd Offence
- The teacher will confiscate the phone and place it in the office.
- The teacher is to record the incident on Compass as a Minor Behaviour (Detention Outcome)
- The Year Coordinator or Pastoral Care Coordinator will contact parents
- The phone is to be collected by the parent/carer - not the student.
- The student is placed on Stage 2
- The student is to hand their phone in to the front office for a week
Ongoing and repeated behaviours will be addressed by the Year Coordinator or the Leader of Pastoral Care as per our Whole School Student Management Guidelines.
Please note:
The following is an extract from the Terms and Conditions section of the College Enrolment form signed by parents/guardians:
1.3 The Parent/Guardian agrees not to engage in social media or allow children to engage in social media that disparages of brings the school or its employees into disrepute, Further the Parent/Guardian acknowledges the right of the school to suspend or terminate an enrolment in the event that social media statements are made that defame or disparage the school, employees or the Roman Church.
Students may need to use music devices and headphones/earbuds at times in class. This is only to occur with permission from the teacher. Students may not use these devices at lunch or recess. If they are used inappropriately or at the wrong time, the item will be confiscated and placed in the Office for collection by the parent/carer as per the Mobile Phone Policy.
Chewing gum, bubble gum, matches or lighters, cigarettes, e-cigarettes (vapourisers), alcohol, drugs, knives and other weapons, liquid paper, aerosol cans, fireworks/crackers, water bombs, inappropriate printed and electronic material and other such items as the Principal may determine to be unsafe or nuisance items, are banned from McAuley Catholic College.
Kathy Warby
Assistant Principal - Mission and Wellbeing
Welcome Back to McAuley Catholic College
I’m sure our staff and students had a fantastic break because the energy levels are high as we kick off the 2025 academic year! It is great to be back – not only are we excited for the new term, but our school's growth has led to extra modular classrooms being installed, furnished, and ready for use.
Welcome back to every student, whether you are just beginning your journey at McAuley or returning as a seasoned member of our family. We are excited to have you join us and look forward to supporting your growth.
The start of a new school year brings with it a unique vibrancy. Reconnecting with familiar faces, meeting new peers, and reuniting with friends create a truly special atmosphere. Our gathering last Wednesday was filled with palpable excitement. This time of year is about reconnecting, setting fresh goals, and starting another chapter of learning and personal growth.
Focus on Staff Preparation Days
During our staff preparation sessions at the start of the term, we concentrated on two key areas:
- Leveraging Data to Meet Our Students' Needs:
We examined various strategies to effectively use data, allowing us to tailor our teaching methods to better support the diverse needs of our students.
- Enhancing Consistency in Reading:
Recognising the critical role of literacy, we focused on strategies to boost students' vocabulary, improve reading fluency, and support phonological awareness. This will be an area of focus for our year 7 and 8 students. Literacy skills — including reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and critical thinking—are vital across all subjects. We count on your collaboration in embedding explicit literacy strategies throughout every Key Learning Area (KLA) to ensure our students' success.
During these professional learning sessions, our teachers explored various strategies to enhance student outcomes further and cultivate a unified teaching environment.
Re-Introducing Our School Musical
At our first assembly, we were thrilled to announce the re-introduction of our school musical in 2025! This year's production will be performed in Term 2, carrying an exciting theme: Mid Summers Musical – an 80s Shakespeare reboot. We are calling on all students with a passion for the performing arts—whether your interest lies in acting, singing, dancing, or working behind the scenes—to seize this opportunity and get involved. This musical is a fantastic chance to showcase your talents, embrace creativity, and participate in an unforgettable celebration of the arts at our school. Pay attention to the student memos and at assemblies for more information.
Celebrating Our Successes
This week, we will hold our High Achievers' assembly to honour the exceptional accomplishments of our 2024 dux and to celebrate the dedicated efforts of our Year 12 cohort. This event is a testament to our student's hard work and commitment. I encourage everyone to fully engage in their learning journeys, pursue their goals passionately, and strive for excellence inside and outside the classroom.
As we move into this new academic year, let us embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead. Here's to a year filled with growth, achievements, and memorable experiences. I wish you all a successful and rewarding year ahead.
Dianne McGowan
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching

Encouraging a Love for Reading!
Reading is the key to lifelong learning! At McAuley Catholic College, students in Years 7-10 participate in Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)—a simple yet powerful initiative designed to foster a love of reading in all students.
What is DEAR?
DEAR is a dedicated 15-minute reading session during the school day where everyone, including students and teachers, pause their regular activities and read. This helps students develop strong reading habits, expand vocabulary, and improve comprehension skills while engaging with books of their choice.
We are scheduling time for students borrow a book from the library. If your child would like to bring in their own suitable book, this is also a great option.
How Can Families Get Involved?
✔ Encourage reading time at home – Set aside at least 10 minutes each evening for reading!
✔ Support book choice – Let your child choose books they enjoy, whether it’s graphic novels, biographies, fiction, or non-fiction.
✔ Ensure your child brings a reading book to school every day – The only exceptions are practical lessons (e.g., Sport, Cooking, Woodwork). However, if they have a theory lesson in one of these subjects, they will still need to bring their book.
✔ Be a reading role model – When children see their parents reading, they are more likely to develop a love for books themselves!
Let’s make reading a daily habit at school and at home. Thank you for supporting DEAR at McAuley Catholic College!
Ms Jansons and Mrs Gleeson
Here is a great document outlining important sporting information from Mrs Eliza Corcoran, our new Sports Coordinator.
Hudson Batinovich Shines at Queensland State Open Sprint Trials
Over the weekend, Year 11 student Hudson Batinovich made waves at the open's Queensland Sprint Championships in Brisbane, delivering an outstanding performance against top competition.
Hudson secured a bronze medal in the Men’s Open 50m Backstroke, clocking a massive 1.5-second personal best (PB) to achieve a National Championship qualifying time!
He also posted an impressive PB in the 50m Freestyle, finishing with a time of 25.34 seconds.
This was a huge meet for Hudson, and it’s fantastic to see all his hard work and dedication paying off. Congratulations on this incredible achievement!
McAuley Catholic College will again host LEAD and will be held in our hall on Thursday, 20th - Friday, March 21st. LEAD is a gathering with other young people from across the diocese to encounter Jesus Christ and the Church, experience dynamic faith, be equipped for ministry and living the Christian life, and be empowered to impact the Church and the world.
The gathering will include dynamic keynote speakers, SHINE-style rallies, Mass, small group discussions, seminars and interactive breakout sessions that provide formation in youth ministry skills. Student participation in this year’s LEAD is offered to any Year 11 and 12 students who are interested in being active in Senior Ministry Teams in schools. The cost for participants is $30.00.
Our senior students are encouraged to attend, and they can see Mr Howard or Jacob for more information.
This week we have introduced Transitus to your child in their Year 7 Religious Education class. Transitus is a retreat for Year 7 students to grow in their discipleship of Jesus Christ, membership of His Church and to strengthen their transition into Catholic Secondary School. The word ‘transitus’ was chosen because it is the Latin word for passage, crossing, movement over, transition, transit.
We encourage you to have a discussion with your child about attending Transitus. If they wish to attend, please ensure that your child speaks to their RE teacher, Mr Howard or our College Youth Minister, Jacob to have their name included for the retreat.
Applications close on Friday, 7th March and shortly after, you shall receive all of the details of the retreat through the events module in your Compass portal, where you can give consent for your child to attend.
Uniform Guidelines - 2025 Handbook
Purchasing Uniforms - Uniform Shop Website
The McAuley Catholic College Uniform Shop (proudly managed by P&C Uniforms) is located at the end of the College Carpark. Orders can be made online and uniform collection can be made during shop opening hours. The website address is; https://mccuniformshop.com.au/
Attached to the newsletter is an infographic about attendance and why every minute matters. In New South Wales, all children from six years of age are legally required to attend a school or be registered for homeschooling. After they complete Year 10 and until they turn 17 years of age, students then have the following options. They may also be in:
- full‐time further education and training (eg TAFE, traineeship, apprenticeship)
- full‐time, paid employment of an average of 25 hours per week; or
- a combination of both of the above.
Children are expected to attend all school activities on time. Students must arrive at the College before 8.43 when the warning bell goes for homeroom. Regular attendance helps your child:
- develop the skills needed to access the world of work and other opportunities
- learn the importance of punctuality and routine
- make and keep friendships.
Parents are asked to limit the times their children arrive late to school or leave early.
If your child has to be absent from school, you must provide a reason for your child’s absence. To explain an absence parents and carers are asked to:
- send a note in with your child to hand to the office,
- contact the school via phone or email,
- Respond to SMS messages sent in the morning with an explanatory note.
The Principal may accept a small number of absences. For example, if your child:
- has to go to a special religious ceremony
- is required to attend a serious and/or urgent family situation (eg a funeral)
- is too sick to go to school or has an infectious illness.
If you consider that it is in your child’s best interests to be exempted from the legal requirement to attend school, you must discuss this with your child’s Year Coordinator. Under certain circumstances, the Principal can grant your child leave (no form required) or they will provide you with an ‘Application for Exemption from Attendance at School’ form and assist you in completing it. The Principal will consider your application and decide whether to grant a ‘Certificate of Exemption from Attendance at School’.
Parents intending to seek an exemption must give the Principal at least a full term’s notice of the request. These exemption regulations also apply for students requesting an absence from school to participate in employment in the entertainment industry, participation in accredited elite sporting programs and for students in Year 10 undertaking a full-time apprenticeship or traineeship.
The College Handbook is a great source of information for Parents, Carers and Students.
13th: HSC 2024 High Achievers Assembly
14th: Valentine's Day
17th: Yr 7 & 9 Safe on Social Student Sessions
18th: Yr 7 Social Evening
19th: Opening School Mass @ 10am (in College Hall)
20th: Yr 7 Unity Day
26th: Yr 7 Immunisations
27th: MCC Swimming Carnival @ Maclean Olympic Pool
28th: Incitare Incursion
Traffic Management
Of an afternoon we ask all parents collecting their child to park safely in the carpark before your child gets in the car. All students leaving must use the pedestrian crossing if their parents are parked on the western side of the carpark.
Students riding to school must dismount at the gate at the end of the path and walk their bike into the school grounds, use the pedestrian crossing and store their bikes in the racks provided. Of an afternoon students must again use this process and start riding once they leave school grounds.
New School Buses S765 and S766 will be commencing 31st January 2025 to support students travelling to/from Yamba and Maclean.
- Morning route S765 will depart Yamba Rd at Golding Ln (7:25am) operating via Yamba Rd to opp. Palmers Island Public School (7:35am), continue Yamba Rd, River Rd to Maclean Transfer Zone (7:45am), continue River Rd, Cameron St, right Big River Wy to McAuley Catholic College, Grafton.
- Afternoon route S766 will depart McAuley Catholic College, Grafton (3:33pm) operating via Hennessy Dr, right Big River Wy, Pacific Hwy, left Maclean Exit, Cameron St, River St to Maclean Transfer Zone (4:15pm), continue River St, Yamba Rd to Palmers Island Public School (4:24pm), continue Yamba Rd, Wooli St, right Claude St, left Coldstream St to Bus Shelter (4:36pm).
Your schools new timetable is now available to view at https://www.busways.com.au/nsw/school-services/school-timetables.
We encourage you to plan ahead at https://transportnsw.info/trip before travelling. To ensure dedicated school services appear as a travel option for students, click refine and select the school bus option.

Getting To School By Bus in 2025
Bus Passes
- All students catching the bus in 2025 will need a school travel pass.
- Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.
- For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, visit https://apps.transport.nsw.
gov.au/ssts/#/ from a desktop computer.
Bus Timetables
- Go to busways.com.au/nsw
- Click on ‘school services’ in the navigation bar and then proceed to ‘school timetables’
- Enter the school’s name in the field that says ‘enter a school name’
- Select the school’s name and the timetable should open on your device. If you are unable to find or search for the school’s name, use the drop-down menus on the same web page to find the school.
- Once the timetable is opened, you will be able to identify which school bus services are available in your area for your child to use.
Please find attached the latest Parish Bulletins from Clarence Valley Parish